Friday, December 8, 2023


“……“How long does a crime last? Somebody steals something from you, they should give it back. Unconditionally,…..” (stated) “…Chief Clarence Louie…”.

Significantly; “reconciliation” cannot have any substance without returning territory and control to all First Nation People in Canada, especially from “Crown” holdings.

Canadian crown loyalist glibly deny that King Charles (through his representatives the federal governor general and provincial Lieutenant governors), along with an unchanged British colonial Canadian jurisprudence, “own” all the so-called “crown land”. 

Crown loyalists who previously signed loyalty to queen Elizabeth 2nd (as all Canadian leaders are still required to sign allegiance to king Chares) deftly engineered the Constitution Act of 1982 perpetuating, under the nose of all Canadians, a fiction that Canada is really independent and no longer under colonial crown influence.  

The truth is colonial treaties, as understood by historical First Nation leaders, was never a ceding of territory but a “sharing” of land between two sovereign nations. This is the only real and true historical reality going forward with Indigenous reconciliation!

Settler descendants in Canada generally view indigenous matters a problem and continue to support the government paternal role settling grievances and rights of indigenous descendants.

(John Ivison, The National Post Dec 04, 2023) writes“….True reconciliation cannot happen as long as Ottawa makes paternalistic decisions that keep First Nations poor for their own good.”

From the perspective of discerning Canadians, the present Canadian reconciliation directive is an elaborate assimilation process that incorporates First Nation communities into Canada’s politico-economic municipal system-----subservient to existing municipalities and touted by Canadian loyalists as self government.

A genuine Indigenous reconciliation must include decolonization with the removal of the British monarchy and the building of a new Canadian constitution with everyone at the table!